• Docs
  • Concepts
  • Core Primitives

Core Primitives

Huddle01 has only the following core constructs.


A Room represents a Huddle01 meeting session. It is a container for all the participants and the media streams.

Room is responsible for:

  • pushing updates regarding changes to other Peers in the Room , like when a Peer may mute/unmute their microphone, send messages , etc.
  • synchronizing Peer states with each other and the mediaserver


A Peer represents a participant in a Huddle01 Room. It is a container for all the media streams of a participant. They are represented by the displayname that is provided by the client and the server generated unique id we call peerId. Every Peer is associated with a Room


displayname is not the same as peerId, which is the unique id of the user for the server. displayname is the name that the user chooses to be called by other users in the room hence more than one user can have the same displayname in a room.


The MediaStream interface represents a stream of media content. A stream consists of several tracks, such as video or audio tracks. MediaStreams are associated with their respective Peer. Each Peer can have three types of MediaStreams associated with them.

  • cam - peer video stream
  • mic - peer audio stream
  • screen - peer screen sharing stream

MDN Docs: MediaStream


The MediaStreamTrack interface represents a single media track within a MediaStream, these are audio or video tracks in our case .

MDN Docs: MediaStreamTrack