• Docs
  • Web SDK
  • Store States
  • Chat

Chat Store States

Chat Feature is provided in the SDK natively. We also support feature such as file sharing, join and leave notification etc. Files are stored on IPFS.

NOTE: Files are stored while the meeting is live, and are deleted after the meeting is over.
If a new user joins the meeting, the files are not shared with the new user.

Store States

type IChatStoreType {
  unread: {
    [chatRoomId: string]: number;
  chat: {
    [chatRoomId: string]: IChatMessage[];
  reactions: {
    [peerId: string]: string;
  sharedFilesArr: Array<TSharedFile>;
  notificationSounds: TNotifSounds;
  chatNotif: boolean;
  peerJoinNotif: boolean;
  peerLeaveNotif: boolean;
export type IChatMessage = {
  id: string;
  peerId: string;
  displayName?: string;
  type: IChatType;
  message?: string;
  timestamp?: string;
  error?: {
    type?: IMediErrorType;
    isError: boolean;
export type TSharedFile = {
  fileName: string;
  fileSize: number;
  ipfsHash: string;
  sharedByPeer: string;
export type TNotifSounds = 'chat' | 'peerJoin' | 'peerLeave' | '';
  • unread - Unread messages count for each chat room.
  • chat - Chat messages for each chat room.
  • reactions - Reactions for each peer.
  • sharedFilesArr - Array of shared files.
  • notificationSounds - Notification sounds for chat, peer join and peer leave.
  • chatNotif - Chat notification.
  • peerJoinNotif - Peer join notification.
  • peerLeaveNotif - Peer leave notification.


  • id - Unique id for each message.
  • peerId - Peer id of the user who sent the message.
  • displayName - Display name of the user who sent the message.
  • type - Type of the message.
  • message - Message.
  • timestamp - Timestamp of the message.
  • error - Error object.


  • fileName - Name of the file.
  • fileSize - Size of the file.
  • ipfsHash - IPFS hash of the file.
  • sharedByPeer - Peer id of the user who shared the file.


import { useHuddleStore } from "huddle01-client/hooks";
interface Props {
    peerId: string;
const Component = ({ peerId }) => {
    const roomChats = useRootStore((state) => state.chat[peerId]);
    return (
            {roomChats.map((chat) => (
                <div key={chat.id}>
        <div />

NOTE: Doing this will subscribe roomChats state to that component and will re-render the component when the state changes.
Pro Tip: You dont need to add useEffect to subscribe to the state and change certains states based on this, it is already done for you.